
Monday, March 18, 2019

The Evolution and Progression of Permanent Sanctuary Art

Recently I was given the opportunity to create a piece of art to display permanently in the sanctuary space of the building that Ke Aha Vineyard Church rents to meet in. I took a couple of months to pray about imagery and what I might create, being intentional to listen in on the conversation that God is having with the people of Ke Aha and being mindful of what kind of message would come forth from the painting. 

I didn't know exactly what size of canvas I would use to paint on. But when I came upon a 3ftx3ft canvas at a local charity thrift shop for a very reasonable price I quickly decided that would be the size. The canvas had an aerial view landscape photograph printed on it. I needed to prime over the top of it so I could start fresh, but decided to utilize the topographical lines from the rivers in the photograph as part of the abstract painting I would create. I then began the lengthy layering process of mixed media and texturing using acrylic paints, charcoal, graphite, chalk pastels, gel ink pens, paper, ink, and water, rags, paper towels, brushes, palette knives, faux painting tools, and matte medium. This took the majority of two days to complete, working hours at a time. 

Here are photos of some of that evolution and progression....

Once I was finished with the painting I wrote and printed an artist statement and was able to take it in to be placed on the easel in the sanctuary space of the building. 

Here is the Painting that is on permanent display:

keia mea i ke ala o ke aloha
(Hawaiian for This Is The Way Of Love)
c. 2019 Lisa Marten
3ftx3ft mixed media abstract expressionist painting
 on gallery wrapped box canvas
Painted for Ke Aha Vineyard Church, Maui, Hawaii
In the midst of all the beautiful mess of life, we are meant for relationship (with each other and with our Creator). It's worth the intentional time taken to listen to the heartbeat of the conversation that God is having with each of us, and to enter into that conversation in real and authentic ways. We get to be in each other's the good and the hard places...and that is a privilege and gift given by God. 

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