Sunday, May 23, 2010

Painting FREEDOM

Yesterday I had the wonderful honor of being able to paint during worship. These are 2 of my most favorite things integrated together. So along with lots of coffee before and after, and the joy of people joining in to worship God (which is all about relationship with God) heart was released to express freedom more than I've ever done before. I believe something happened yesterday in a deep meaningful way for a lot of people. I painted a word on the backdrop for both morning services at Boise Vineyard (first service I painted "TRUTH" and second service I painted "Spirit") and then I painted on a large canvas during worship for a special evening service (which the painting seemed to transform before our eyes throughout the night). The photos just can't convey the complete freedom that was unleashed in me as I painted and danced and sang and jumped and leaped and flung paint and laughed and cried. People were responding in worship and were released in freedom too and many came up to me afterwards to tell me their stories. I am humbled and in awe at how a simple act of me being all that I am could inspire so many people to be all that they can be.
painting with the band during morning services painting
i used brushes, rags, and my fingers
the words
painting with the band during worship on Sunday night
come Holy Spirit.
purple flowing into blue (representing the freedom of the Holy Spirit)
Grace written in the white paint as if from God washing over us & yellow (representing God's presence coming down to us)
painting waves in the center of a white circle (representing many things...depending on what it speaks to people...the storms of life, the river of God...etc.)
letting differnent colors of paint drip down like rain (the red representing the cleansing blood of Jesus)
the finished painting...i call it "MORE LORD!"

Thursday, May 13, 2010


"holy" 40x50 mixed media on canvas
so let me tell you about my newest painting. i seem to be in a place right now where paintings are coming to me like a rush of i've dove into a deep lake and am being immersed in color. i'm absolutely loving the swim i'm in...and yet at the same time i'm wondering when i need to come up for breath or will i be able to keep swimming deeper?
this painting came to me like a blast to my brain the day after i finished the "dark night of the soul" painting. i quickly worked up the image in the computer and knew exactly what canvas i needed to use. the next morning (before i went to church) i reopened the computer image i had created and then like a flash the Scripture of Revelation 4:8 "Holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty. Who was, and is, and is to come." i inserted the quote into the computer mockup and then rushed off to church. on my way, i prayed and asked God about the painting. was this just my idea? was this something He wanted me to paint? what was it all about? you can imagine my surprise when once at church, one of the worship leaders opened the service by reading Revelation 4:8! and then every song that we sang during worship had to do with God's HOLINESS! i about fell over backwards with confirmation that God was prompting me to do this painting.
so the next day i blocked out time in my studio to begin the process. as i began to set stuff up i pulled up the Addison Road song "What Do I Know Of Holy?" and put it on continuous play while i painted. i ended up incorporating some of the lyrics into the painting. it was quite a deep introspective 6 day journey for me. i found myself on my knees in tears once i finished painting.
it's about God's big-ness and my small-ness. it's about a Holy God who died & rose for my heart could be free. it's about the mystery of the Creator of the Universe wanting relationship with me.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

dark night of the soul

This "RevelatorArt Hybrid" was inspired by a discussion I had this week at the VineArts Palate art discipleship group with other artists and a seperate discussion I had with a close friend who I had dinner with this week. Have you read Saint John of the Cross "The Dark Night of the Soul"? He speaks of those dry, dark, silent moments in life when we find ourselves struggling with who we are and who God is. Many of us call this a desert, a wilderness, or even the depths of depression. My friends and I call it the "blue funk". I wanted to paint about this "dark night", but wasn't sure what aspect to focus on. I created a mixed media abstract expressionist painting a few years ago titled "Sweetly Broken" where I attempted to capture the actual struggle of our hearts when we are utterly broken before God. Yet...this new painting "Dark Night of the Soul" I wanted to say something about why we should even consider allowing our hearts to go through such times (instead of trying to ignore & avoid them). I wanted to depict the freedom that comes from allowing ourselves to walk through the darkness...however long that takes. The oil painting in the center I painted years ago and it was titled "All Things New". I have also placed a couple of my sketches within the painting (in the dark areas towards the bottom half)...of a woman praying and a man with outstretched arms. And there is a quote that I layered throughout the painting background that tells the story of Sorrow & Joy uniting.
"Sorrow was beautiful, but his beauty was the beauty of the moonlight shining through the leafy branches of the trees in the woods. His gentle light made little pools of silver here and there on the soft green moss of the forest floor. And when he sang, his song was like the low, sweet calls of the nightingale, and in his eyes was the unexpectant gaze of someone who has ceased to look for coming gladness. He could weep in tender sympathy with those who weep, but to rejoice with those who rejoice was unknown to him. Joy was beautiful, too, but hers was the radiant beauty of a summer morning. Her eyes still held the happy laughter of childhood, and her hair glistened with the sunshine's kiss. When she sang, her voice soared upward like a skylark's, and her steps were the march of a conqueror who has never known defeat. She could rejoice with anyone who rejoices, but to weep with those who weep was unknown to her. Sorrow longingly said, 'We can never be united as one,' 'No, never,' responded Joy, with eyes misting as she spoke, 'for my path lies through the sunlit meadows, the sweetest roses bloom when I arrive, and songbirds await my coming to sing their most joyous melodies. ''Yes, and my path,' said Sorrow, turning slowly away, 'leads through the dark forest, and moonflowers, which open only at night, will fill my hands. Yet the sweetest of all earthly songs---the love song of the night---will be mine. So farewell, dear Joy, farewell.' Yet even as Sorrow spoke, he and Joy became aware of someone standing beside them. In spite of the dim light, they sensed a kingly Presence, and suddenly a great and holy awe overwhelmed them. They then sank to their knees before Him. 'I see Him as the King of Joy,' whispered Sorrow, 'for on His head are many crowns, and the nailprints in His hands and feet are the scars of a great victory. And before Him all my sorrow is melting away into deathless love and gladness. I now give myself to Him forever. ''No, Sorrow,' said Joy softly, 'for I see Him as the King of Sorrow, and the crown on His head is a crown of thorns, and the nailprints in His hands and feet are the scars of terrible agony. I also give myself to Him forever, for sorrow with Him must be sweeter than any joy I have ever known. ''Then we are one in Him,' they cried in gladness, 'for no one but He could unite Joy and Sorrow.' Therefore they walked hand in hand into the world, to follow Him through storms and sunshine, through winter's severe cold and the warmth of summer's gladness, and to be 'sorrowful, yet always rejoicing. 'Does Sorrow lay his hand upon your shoulder, And walk with you in silence on life's way, While Joy, your bright companion once, grown colder, Becomes to you more distant day by day? Run not from the companionship of Sorrow, He is the messenger of God to thee; And you will thank Him in His great tomorrow---For what you do not know now, you then will see; He is God's angel, clothed in veils of night, With whom 'we walk by faith' and 'not by sight' " -taken from "Streams In The Desert" by L.B.Cowman

Monday, May 3, 2010

RevelatorArt Hybrids

I just finished a 24x30 painting I've titled "Glory to Glory" (based on 2 Corinthians 3:7-8,12-13,18). It's an integration of my impressionistic landscapes in oil with my mixed media abstract expressionist paintings. This is the second painting I've done like this. I'm finding a whole new world opening up to me with this type of "Hybrid" of my paintings. I think I'm able to say something fresh & new by allowing my 2 main mediums & styles to come together in harmony within one painting. I'm excited as to where this might take me creatively. Keep watching. I'm riding this wave wherever it goes.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Doin' the Stuff

This is a quick view of our Opening Reception for the newest Art Exhibit in the VineArts Gallery at Vineyard Boise. The exhibit is titled "Doin the Stuff". "It's about doing stuff like praying for each other, bringing joy to the brokenhearted, healing the sick, tending the earth, caring for the poor, serving in anonymity, setting captives free, sacrificing our know, the stuff Jesus Christ said to do."