Monday, May 16, 2011

Creative Expression of Worship

okay...i am someone who enjoys traditional liturgical worship to God & modern spontaneous worship to God. and whether i'm in a traditional church (like an Anglican church)or a modern church (like a Vineyard church), and whether i'm in the States or another country...i enjoy worshipping with the Body of Christ...however that looks. but i do believe that the winds of change are blowing within in the Christian Church world-wide (regardless of the denomination or if it's Protestant or Catholic). there seems to be a "New Renaissance" taking place within churches around the world. the arts are breaking loose within the Church. what used to be relegated for "special services" or "Holy Day" emphasis is now being brought into the weekly worship experience more and more within churches today. no longer are people just singing songs & listening to sermons, people are allowing more interactive worship...there's a greater acceptance for creative & more Spirit led heart felt worship to God within church services. painting, dance, music, writing, photography, drama, film, sculpting, etc. and with the inclusion of the arts there seems to come an outpouring of people connecting at a deeper more authentic level within worship to God.
a couple of weeks ago i attended a weekend conference called ONE THING REMAINS. Jesus Culture musicians/speakers Kim Walker-Smith and Jake Hamilton led us to a deeper level of understanding God's love for us. during the worship times there were artists who painted to the music.
it was inspiring to say the least! i truly believe that we all learn & connect differently (God made us this way)...and the "model" of church for so long has reached a certain type of people (those who can easily experience God through singing a few songs & sitting & listening to someone speak). But there are so many more of us who learn & connect easier through other types of creative ways (utilizing all of our senses). when a church allows the arts to be a part of worship in a more kinetic way it opens the doors for so many more people to connect with God!
this painting was about the winds of change...
last night i traveled with a team of artists from VineArts to join another church for their worship service. it was so fun to experience worship so creatively! there was music & singing, painting, dance, art being created by everyone, and lots & lots of beautiful people of all ages, expressing their love, praise, thanks, and hearts to God in creative ways.
this was a dance troop called One Force that performed street dancing as a form of worship to God!
this little girl gave it her all as she painted as an expression of her worship to God!
this artist is from Pennsylvania! he flew out to Idaho to partner with us in the arts!
here i am doing what i love to do...paint as worship to God!
this painting was about recognizing the various stages of our lives and how God can use us to bless others within each.
this painting was about Christ the Savior (sacrificial lamb) and Christ the King (Lion of Judah)
this is the painting i created. i call it Furious Love. it's based on Psalm 107:23-31...about God being in the storm & in the calm. we cry out to him in our desperate need & his love stills our fears.
i'm excited to see more and more of the creative arts brought into the church!!! keep a watch out...cuz it's happening!!!
*photos taken by S.Coffield & J.Rold & J.Nilo


gaylene said...

I would like to confim what Lisa has shared about the winds of change across the entire church. I was privileged to be a visiting artist with their troop last March. I am from the Oregon coast where we have been poised on the brink of takeoff for some time. God has been preparing us to be ready to catch this cool breeze.

David said...

Thanks or sharing this Lisa, This was truly one of the great fun times I've had on this journey. God is so good.
Take care,