Saturday, June 7, 2014

Artistic Adventures in Auburn (Seattle)

I'm back from my month long art trip to Hawaii and now I'm heading back out on the art ministry road to Seattle. I'll be there a couple of weeks connecting through creativity by helping paint murals at a public elementary school. If you want to stay updated on my artistic adventures in Auburn, you can follow me at: 

1 comment:

SeattleSue said...

Hi Lisa and Kaylyn. Thanks so much for the beautifully painted walls at our school. I can't tell you what a pleasure it is to walk out my classroom doors and see beautiful color and art. I no longer feel that I'm teaching in a dungeon. The students are so proud to see their artwork displayed on the walls. It brings joy every time we walk down the hall. I don't know manyf people who would tackle such an e enormous project with such a short deadline.