Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Love Well

Confession time: So last week I was hand writing Christmas cards (a lot of them) and (long story short) after several hours in the same hunched position at a desk on an uncomfortable chair gripping a pen and repetitively writing intently (because I really wanted to intentionally bless people this holiday season with hand written cards of my artwork and I was determined to finish them all in one day so I could free up my busy schedule to have more time for fun festive outings with friends and family-this was my own deadline of doom-and I didn't listen to my body that it was fatigued and needing to rest-truly there was no rush or need to push myself the way I did...I didn't allow for the ebb and flow and the unforced rhythms of grace)...I managed to injure my right shoulder, arm, and hand (my dominate hand)...so bad that I was writhing in pain (like scary sharp knife pain radiating from shoulder to wrist). My muscles were so inflamed that they pinched off nerves (my hand went numb). This resulted in such intense pain (I have a high pain threshold so for me to be brought to screams and tears is a big deal) that I needed a trip to the ER for a shot (if you know me you know that I never go to the ER and very rarely go to to the doctor due to being fairly healthy and not needing to but also due to I don't have insurance). It was scary for a couple of days. As a result of my stubbornness and self inflicted injury I've been rendered "armless" for almost a week as I've had to let my right shoulder, arm, and hand rest. This means...no lifting, no normal functioning, no driving, and cancelled busy schedule. Thankfully due to an emergency massage, lots of prayers, lots of TLC from my mom, and me actually learning to listen to my body and letting it rest, I am on the mend and I don't think any permanent damage has been done. Needless to say...I've had lots of time to think about the error of my ways and I'm reconciled to be good to myself, implement different ways of getting work done, listen to my body when it needs rest, and taking breaks (as an experiential abstract expressionist painter that is very lively and active physically when I work and also very intently focused...my body is fully engaged in all that I do and over the last couple of years it has been telling me with increasing intensity that it has limitations...my feet, my hips, my back, and now my shoulder and arm). I'm still in need of learning to love well...even with myself. I got the message this time. Lesson learned. I'm listening. So here I am (no worries this post has taken about an hour to try and type carefully...I'm still recovering), learning to be intentional..even with myself...it's a process. I wanted to share this with you...cuz I'm all about the LOVE. Happy Holidays and Much Love my friends! Let's be good to ourselves. #stayhuman #beintentional#lovemuchlovewell #takeyourowncounselLisa #begoodtoyou #ebbandflow#theunforcedrhythmsofgrace #muchaloha

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