1) Sunday January 4
9am and 11am
Vineyard Boise morning services
myself & our VineArts director will be
finishing the backdrop on stage
during worship for both services.
2) Tuesday January 6th AND
Tuesday January 13th
6:30-9:30pm both nights
Vineyard Boise (I think in the Chapel?)
"Revelation UnCorked" class
(a fresh&creative look at the Book of Revelation)
no sign-ups, just show up
3) Friday January 23rd
Visual Arts Collective, Boise
Charity Concert Event
I'll be painting while bands play music.
there is a ticket price
(as soon as i get more info i'll post it)
4) Sunday March 1st
10:30am and 12:30pm (after both services)
Vineyard Boise (Book Cellar in Heritage Hall)
Book signing with author Robert Michael Kurz.
This is for the book I illustrated "Formation Generation"
You'll be able to purchase a copy early that day.
(okay, so I'm not actually painting at this event...
but I'll be signing books that I illustrated)
5) Saturday March 7th
The Water Cooler, Boise
Special Arts Event
I'm a featured artist.
I'll be painting to music.
there is a ticket price.
(as soon as i get more info i'll post it)
OH...i almost forgot, here are a some other art related things that i'm involved with:
*starting Monday January 5th.
The Palate: an artist discipleship group
every 1st and 3rd Monday nights.
VineArts Studio in the Barnabas Bldg at Vineyard Boise
i am co-leading a small group for artists.
feed your inner artist with a sampling of artistic activities
and solid biblical study.
*every 3rd Saturday morning
Writers Guild
9:30am-11am at Barnes & Noble, Boise
i lead a group of local writers who have been meeting
for years to encourage each other in our literary creative efforts.
*with my team of faithful helpers (i call them gallery grunts),
i will be installing a new art exhibit in our VineArts Gallery
at Vineyard Boise towards the end of January.
the art exhibit is called, "Transformation"
we will have an opening reception for all the artists
who will be in the juried/themed show on:
Sunday January 25th at 1:30pm in the VineArts Gallery.
everyone is welcome to attend. there will be live music, refreshments,
and a chance to view the artwork and meet the artists.
the exhibit will be up till the beginning of April.
maybe i'll see you at one of these events.
thanks for letting me share some of my happy with you.
keep creating and dive deep!
photo taken by J.D.