Friday, November 14, 2008

allowing yourself to worship God creatively through the arts

Today i got to be a part of a team of leaders from VineArts that went to a local university in the Boise area to facilitate an ART & WORSHIP day for over 60 students. We had prepared 3 rather large canvases beforehand that stood up near a wall. We had outlined some Carravaggio paintings of Christ (the left painting was Christ being whipped, the center painting was Christ coming down off the cross, the right painting was Christ with his disciples after he has risen) in which the students would then add the color during worship (however wherever they wanted to).
There was a band playing worship music as a way of helping people focus...but this was an opportunity for the students to experience a different way to worship God...through art. It was a chance to allow the creative parts of the hearts to be set free.
Every once in awhile during the 3 hour block people read out Scriptures that were speaking to their hearts as they participated in the art. Sometimes people read poetry that they had written right there on the spot...inspired to express through words. One of our leaders read encouraging quotes and told stories of moments when God brought healing to people's hearts in a creative way.
Many of the students had no art background at all. It was really cool to watch them let go of any apprehensions and fears that they carried. They each got up there and put paint brush and paint to the canvas...together, side by side. It truly was an amazing thing to be a part of. I enjoyed the conversations that people were having with each other about the subject matter of the paintings. And those of us who were leaders were able to not only help in regards to pracitical things (like mixing colors, changing out brush water, etc.) but we also had the chance to get to know the students and learn about who they were and where they were at in their lives.
Once the time was ended and the paintings were finished we all spent a moment in prayer together. Later when the students had moved on, those of us on the leadership team made grids on the back of the paintings and CUT them up in 12x16 rectangles. Each student will take a piece of the whole home with them. The piece is represents a memory of this very special art & worship day, and also as a reminder that God is continuously painting their lives (sometimes with dull colors, sometimes with bright colors)...and perhaps they can't quite tell what the whole picture is about if they're only looking at themselves. The point is...each of them is a piece of the bigger picture. That's what being a part of the Body of Christ is about...that's what it means to be part of the Kingdom of God. We each play a very important role and we need each other.

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Mark Hans said...
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