Sunday, November 9, 2008

CIRCUMCISION of the heart

This is an edit to the post below...the photo above is the finished painting. 

This painting is NOT FINISHED. It has been a process of about 6 months to get to this point. I was given a word picture about God holding a heart and massaging it to bring it back to life. I was told that I needed to paint it. It took months of grappling with the concept, spending time in prayer, and researching. And finally this last week I began to put paint to canvas.

I don't even know what the title really should be yet. The painting is about God taking our hearts and doing surgery...indepth cleansing, deep healing, cutting out the old dead and grafting in new living...all through the death and resurrection of Jesus. This surgery can be painful as He cuts deep within our old man, and the recovery can take years, but the results are healing.

There are many layers to this painting...and there are still many to come. I did part of this at the VineARTS Gala themed "Hearts and Hands"...experiencing God's healing through the arts. It is a 36"x48" canvas (that by the way, had been sitting around my studio for years without a vision for what to paint on it). I'm using oils, latex house paints, acrylics, images on paper, Scriptures, ink words, objects.

It's a big canvas so I am painting it on the floor...hovering over it, dancing around it, kneeling beside it.

I started out putting oil paints (specifically Oil Bars) down with my hands. Then I painted latex house paints with brushes over the top of the layer of oils. I let the latex tack up and then in various areas rubbed away the latex with a cloth (creating a really cool effect that looks like weathered paint on wood-as the latex lifts off in areas and the oil shows through). Then I did some splattering with more house paint. At the Gala I then began applying the images, I've printed out, with Mod Podge (an acrylic glue that dries clear and you can add paint to it and also paint over it and wipe off and still see the image below). I also began writing words and phrases all over the canvas with a Sharpee and also paint pens. Then I took acrylic paints...and with my fingers I applied that in various random areas around the images to begin blending everything together as one.

Next I will do more of the same (write words, blend with paint)...perhaps also adding in some objects here or there). And then to finish up I will paint a large circle of white & black with a brush...sort of all encompassing....and then splatter the latex house paint (mostly red and white) out from the circle (giving a bloody effect)....cuz this painting is about the blood spilled for us...and the transfusion we need of His blood.

When I finish I do a new post with the final piece for you to see.

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