Thursday, May 13, 2010


"holy" 40x50 mixed media on canvas
so let me tell you about my newest painting. i seem to be in a place right now where paintings are coming to me like a rush of i've dove into a deep lake and am being immersed in color. i'm absolutely loving the swim i'm in...and yet at the same time i'm wondering when i need to come up for breath or will i be able to keep swimming deeper?
this painting came to me like a blast to my brain the day after i finished the "dark night of the soul" painting. i quickly worked up the image in the computer and knew exactly what canvas i needed to use. the next morning (before i went to church) i reopened the computer image i had created and then like a flash the Scripture of Revelation 4:8 "Holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty. Who was, and is, and is to come." i inserted the quote into the computer mockup and then rushed off to church. on my way, i prayed and asked God about the painting. was this just my idea? was this something He wanted me to paint? what was it all about? you can imagine my surprise when once at church, one of the worship leaders opened the service by reading Revelation 4:8! and then every song that we sang during worship had to do with God's HOLINESS! i about fell over backwards with confirmation that God was prompting me to do this painting.
so the next day i blocked out time in my studio to begin the process. as i began to set stuff up i pulled up the Addison Road song "What Do I Know Of Holy?" and put it on continuous play while i painted. i ended up incorporating some of the lyrics into the painting. it was quite a deep introspective 6 day journey for me. i found myself on my knees in tears once i finished painting.
it's about God's big-ness and my small-ness. it's about a Holy God who died & rose for my heart could be free. it's about the mystery of the Creator of the Universe wanting relationship with me.

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