Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Life REALLY Is Better Together

24x30 mixed media on canvas
c. 2018 Lisa Marten

The opening night of my art show:
"Life Is Better Together" was a beautiful experience and I found myself all emotional at the end of the night as I recall all the wonderful people who came and all the heart to heart conversations, hugs, laughter and memories made. I'm the featured artist for August at The Coffee Studio in Meridian (6360 Saguaro Hills, Meridian ID) and it's my last art show in Idaho for awhile, as I'm moving next month. This event was a meaningful time for me to connect in community with so many who have supported my art over the years, to cultivate a fun atmosphere with music and painting for people to experience, to create a new painting live as a gift, and to help support others in the process. Thank you to ALL who were able to come and participate. And thank you to ALL who were unable to come but so very much wanted to be there. You ALL are dearly loved! 

These are some of the paintings on display/for sale. From left to right/top to bottom:
"Better Together", "Ubuntu Ohana", "Join the Conversation", "Abide With Me", "Gather: Taste and See"

These are some of the paintings on display/for sale. From left to right/top to bottom:
"Collaboration Convergence", "Interchange", "Push-Push Back", "Reach"

I created an art table for interactive community creative collaboration. 

I was really blessed by such a great turn out at the opening of my show. It was a real treat to see people and get the chance to connect. 

I loved that people felt comfortable to gather in circles to converse over coffee and art.

There were so many conversations that people were engaged in throughout the night. It was really so fun.

local singer-songwriter Jared Nilo playing live music for us

I loved being able to paint live to the music of Jared Nilo and create a special painting about community

This was a beautiful experience to hang out with everyone and be surrounded by so much love.
(I'm wearing a flower lei that an artist friend brought back from Hawaii for me as a special gift for my opening night)

24x30 mixed media on canvas c. 2018 Lisa Marten
painted live on August 7, 2018 at The Coffee Studio
as a gift to The Coffee Studio for being a faithful support of local community and artists
"The invitation is open to join the conversation at the table. There’s room for you. Come together. Hold space for one another. Stay open. Be intentional. Be you. Listen to and see others for who they are and in turn you’ll have the chance to be heard and seen for who you are. Reach across differences and let this be an opportunity to connect human to human, heart to heart in community. Life is better together."



Life is Better Together
an art exhibit by abstract expressionist artist Lisa Marten
The paintings:
24x30” mixed media paintings on canvas. 
Original Paintings For Sale: $636 each. 
Pre-Order/Pre-Pay Prints of various sizes and prices available. 
For more info on how to purchase original artwork or pre-order/pre-pay prints contact Lisa Marten at: or (208) 830-5208. 
To see more of Lisa’s artwork go to:

As an artist, I travel around the world connecting cross-culturally with diverse communities, coming alongside others through creativity, joining in conversations with people from all walks of life and diversity of backgrounds. I enjoy listening to people’s stories of who they are. Sharing human to human, heart to heart. And no matter where I’ve traveled I’ve learned that we as humans (regardless of age, race, gender, culture, religion) have more in common than we differ. We all have a desire to belong…belong to our family, to our tribe, to our community, to our world. The innate understanding that we are a part of something much bigger than ourselves. And we all have a desire to know who we are…to know who we are in relation to our family, our tribe, our community, our world. The innate understanding that we are individually important within that bigger something. 

This exhibit is an exploration through mixed media abstract expressionist paintings that embraces the topic that we are better together.  Not separate and alone. When we are brave to drop our masks of performance and pride,  break down the walls built by fear and pain that divide us , admit that we all experience sorrow, loss, fear, pain, joy, faith, hope, and love. If we can stay open to seeing and hearing each other…really seeing and hearing, and reach out to each other in genuine gratitude, forgiveness, and humility….we will become who we are meant to be.  

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