Sunday, August 2, 2009

adding to the backdrop

today myself and the director of VineArts continued painting on the backdrop that hangs on the stage in the sanctuary. we added words and phrases and color to the right hand panel during the 2 morning worship services while the worship band led the congregation in singing. the backdrop is 3 12ftx18ft canvas panels hung up like curtains. the theme of this backdrop goes along with the sermon series that the pastors are teaching us right now. we're focusing on the letters in the New Testament that Paul wrote to various churches while he was in prison. here i added orange and yellow to intensify the color and bring out the stones in the painting that turn into parchment letters as they burst forth (representing the Word of God coming forth to everyone).
here i added blue and a purple-red to distingquish the stones of the prison more. i also did some splatters of various colors throughout to contine to add to the grungy texture effects.

currently we are studying the book of Collossians (the letter that Paul wrote to the new Christian church of Collosai). here the director painted a phrase that the book opens up with in the first chapter "grace & peace to you".

the director also painted the word "fullness" which is spoken of in chapter 2.

another phrase that the director painted was "mystery revealed Christ". Paul talks about that the mystery of who the Messiah was to be was fulfilled in Christ Jesus.

here is the word "Song" that the director painted on the center panel during the worship services for the first Sunday that the backdrop was up. it was the introduction to the sermon series. the word "Song" was painted to represent the common thread throughout the Bible, throughout history...that the Gospel of God is a Song to creation, sung through Christ's life throughout the pages of the Bible and into our lives. we are to "sing the song". it's a means that God's heart has always desired for us to be in relationship with him...and for our hearts to be free.

the word "identity" was also painted by the director on the kick-off Sunday onto the left panel of the backdrop near where the cross is situated on the stage in the sanctuary. it means that our identity should be in the freedom of Christ and life with him...instead of in the bondage of our problems and circumstances.

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