Friday, April 13, 2012

everyone gets to play!

"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."-Bilbo

3 backpacks. That's a picture of my bags packed and ready to go. The black one on the right is the one with my clothes for the trip. It will be a carry-on for my air travel and will easily ride on my back (thanks to fellow Seattle-ite and world known travel guide, Rick Steves). It has ventured to far away lands with me before and has been a trusted friend. The little one in front is the one with my journal and paints and books to be close to me as my one personal item. It's excited to accompany me, having traveled countless times to places all over this big blue marble as an extension of me. The one on the left with the red & blue coloring is the one experiencing it's first journey. It is stuffed with a huge variety of new art supplies for the purpose of "painting on people's lives". It will be checked into the cargo hold for the crossing journey. It's the one with the treasure awaiting to land and be freely given, poured out, and lavished as an offering of love. Myself and the other two backpacks will at some point return to the States to continue our creative adventures together, but this third will stay in Lithuania (where I am traveling to this month) will get to experience it's own adventures with a new owner, for it has a different path to hike. Yes, "everyone gets to play"...even backpacks.

To follow my artistic travel and creative adventures in art ministry, go to my blogsite where I post about and document my trips: Traveling Artist
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Next trip: Lithuania

1 comment:

Joshua Hopping said...

May the Spirit guide each step and each brush stroke.

May you see Him the faces you meet.

May you return difference from being in His Presence.
